Great minds think alike? Not quite.


I've been hearing songs on the radio and Pandora that seem to strike notes of commonality with me.  They remind me of things that I am writing about.  When I hear things like that, I get excited and think the song writers and I are on the same wave length.  I have had a desire to meet with the writers of those songs and share with them.  I'd love to sit down, have dinner and a time of fellowship with them to talk about creative thoughts.

I'm a little slow sometimes.  I finally realized, it isn't the writers that I am on the same wave length with.  It's the man that we are both writing about.

John 1:1-2 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning."

It has been my prayer since beginning this book and everyday since that whoever reads my book will see the Father.  I don't care if my name is forgotten.  I just want to point people to God Almighty.  I want them to see the man who gave up his life for them.  The God who was willing to sacrifice his one child to rescue every lost cause on this planet.  Granted my book mentions several planets but I firmly believe that our benevolent God would have had a plan for every fallen human being regardless of what planet they're on.  I want everyone to see God in my book(s).  How big He is.  How loving He is.  He is the one who matters. 

Yes, I have an ego and I would love to be a famous writer.  One of my regular prayers has been that God would stop me if my motivations are wrong or if my ego gets in the way.  Here's the kicker.  If no publisher wants my book, yes I will be disappointed.  If that happens then I will either self publish or I will put my book on the Internet and give it away.  I would like to do nothing but write but I have to pay the bills.  I'll do what I have to, to get the message out.

My point is this: those song writers and I are writing about the same subject.  We may not have a thing in common other than that.  It's like every Christian is a friend of a friend.  Jesus is my friend, my constant companion, my rescuer.  When the Bible mentions, "you will know them by their fruit."  It's true.  I feel I know the writers even though I've never met them.

As to the literal book update, still going well.  I was gone on vacation which actually slowed my progress but I am back at it.  I am on page 417.  We are in the proverbial "eye of the hurricane."  There was a climax and now a lull but the storm's coming back then it will be over.  I am making notes about book II though.  I haven't finished the first book but book II is well underway.  I can't wait until I can share them with you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,



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