
Hello my friends,

After writing the epilogue for my book, I discovered a small problem.  I was so focused on the end that I had a little difficulty building the structure to reach that point.  It's like I was looking at what was out there in the distance and could not bring my attention back to the here and now.  I had scheduled a week off from work to get some stuff done around the house which included some time to write.  This was a big help.  I've gotten almost everything done and have been able to focus on the correct point in time in my writing.  I knew it would just take a little bit of dedicated time to get my focus on the here and now and not the ending. 

I watched a movie this week that talked about fear being about what "might" happen.  Being afraid or not being afraid doesn't alter the danger just your reaction to your circumstances.  The movie pulled the hero's focus from the future "might be" and refocused it on the "what is right now."  I'm not saying that I was afraid, although the analogy works, but I was focused in the wrong spot.  Actually in retrospect, there is a small fear trying to get a foot hold.  As soon as I am done with this book, I have to face the task of getting a publisher to publish it.  I know God is using this book to answer many prayers of mine even before it has been published.  I still want to be a successful author.  I know I can also self-publish but that takes more serious money up front.  I know God knows my needs and he knows the future.  He's already prepared for me but . . . .  I know forget the "but." 

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

There's no "but" in that scripture.  So I guess I need not "fear" the end of my book.  After all, my fans are waiting!

Thanks to all my fans, friends, relatives, casual acquaintances and total strangers.

Page count: 320 and counting



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