Still working on balance

Hello Friends,

I wanted to thank those of you that are praying for me to balance my time between living and writing.  I am making some progress but I have not "arrived."  Incidentally the comment in my last blog about "pray I get it right," was a genuine request.  Part of my struggle is related to the changes in the dynamics in our household.  Since last October, we have gone from a household of six people to a household of three.  The loss of three people changes the household chore list, the cooking requirements, the balance of funds available etc.  This isn't a negative thing, just an adjustment.

I plan on creating a synopsis of my book(s) in a future posting.  Incidentally, this book started out as one book expected to be 300-400 pages.  It's not gonna work out that way.  It is going to end up being a trilogy.  I also have an unrelated story idea sitting on a back burner in my mind.  This is why I am having trouble with daily activities.

 In the course of writing this book I am spending a good deal of time in the scripture, praying and worshiping God.  I want this book to be on solid ground theologically speaking.  I have always been annoyed with the scripture that talks about "as the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for you, my God." (Psalm 42:1) because it sounds dorky.  I know it's a cultural thing.  I am starting to identify with that scripture.  What I am saying is that I am gleaning so much spiritually from writing this book that it is consuming me.  I can't get enough.  I always said that if you want to learn something really well, teach others about it.  When I teach I am so scared of looking like an idiot that I study it very thoroughly.  I have taught numerous classes over the years and I don't fear teaching but this is a new avenue of teaching for me.  I hope it appeals to those who love to read.

I am not done writing for the day but as of now, I am on page 82.  If you change it to two book size columns in landscape format would actually add up to approximately 164 pages, hence the determination that it will be a trilogy.

Last thought for the day.  If anyone would like to comment or "follow" my blog, please feel free.  I would love to know what others are thinking.



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