Why SciFi?

So why am I writing science fiction? 

First of all, I enjoy science fiction.  This is probably the easiest answer.  You should only write about the things that you like, know and/or interest you.  I have enjoyed science fiction in numerous venues.  I have read science fiction written by numerous authors including Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, H.G. Wells among others.  I have watched and enjoyed Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who and many others.  There are too many to name.

Second, the world of Christian Science Fiction is woefully lacking.  Apparently there either isn't an audience there or maybe there is some weird idea that you can't have science fiction and still be Christian.  Maybe Christians believe that the 2nd coming will happen before the science fiction could possibly become reality.  Personally, I know many Christians who enjoy SciFi so I think the audience is out there.

This brings me to my third premise.  I think the non-Christian population think that Christians can't "do" SciFi.  One thing is for sure though.  Adding Christianity to science fiction is going to be different than anything else out there.  Is it going to be a fairy tale?  No, it isn't.  People have either forgotten or just don't know that God ordered the deaths of certain populations in the Old Testament.  So yes, what we look at as bad can, will and does happen.  There is more to life than what we see in this life.  Science Fiction frequently deals with some mystical unknown super-being that can do things that science can't explain.  He WROTE the Laws of Physics and He broke them at times of His own choosing.  God has defied all the Laws of Physics, Nature, and Biology.  He caused the Red Sea to roll back and dried a path through the center up so that an entire nation of people could walk through and then their pursuers who tried to follow them drowned.  He caused the sun to stand still in the sky, darkness in the middle of the daytime, brought dead people back to life numerous times including people who had decayed to the point of being dry bones, walked on water, fed thousands of people with 5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish then collected 12 baskets of leftovers.  The difference is God didn't do fiction.

One last reason is that I am tired of modern Science Fiction's portrayal of God and Christianity as being weak-minded or lame.  A true strong Christian is something to be admired and sometimes even feared.  A husband and wife lied to the apostle Peter, God and the church and were struck dead.  Everyone knows the lamb, not very many people know the Lion.

This is why SciFi.

BTW - I decided to include a page count just so you can have regular updates.  I am on Page 70.  I am still working on an appropriate title so for now I am calling it Defender.


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